Podcast: How to Create and Launch Your Own Digital Product

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February 14, 2023
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Podcast: How to Create and Launch Your Own Digital Product

Ever wanted to learn how to design and launch your own product or company?

Wisiwig's CEO and Cofounder, Chris Shepard, had the opportunity to sit down with Seth Coelen at The Product Design Podcast to share about his experience as a product designer and startup founder.

"Before building the product, there are market tests you can do to better understand the problem space — build your website, talk to customers, show them Figma mockups. Is this a big problem for everyone, or just you?"

This mindset led Chris and team to test and validate their idea for several months during the MassChallenge accelerator program - and only then did they embark on building and launching Wisiwig for Chrome.

You can listen to the full episode here, or read the article.

Episode show notes

In episode 46 of The Product Design Podcast, Seth Coelen interviews Chris Shepard, Cofounder & CEO at Wisiwig, the collaborative browser design tool to achieve pixel-perfect UI design.

During our chat, Chris shares how a free meal led him to his first UX Design role, how he decided to take the entrepreneurial route and start his own product, and what you can learn from his journey from ideation to launching Wisiwig! This episode is filled with fantastic advice if you have ever considered creating and launching your own product!

During the interview with Chris, you will learn:
🍕 How a slice of pizza helped Chris land his first UX Design gig
🔥 How the friction between designers and developers inspired Wisiwig
🤔 Chris’s take on bootstrapping versus fundraising
🎯 How to prioritize product features when building your product
👏 How to decide if building your own product is right for you